Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We've got answers. If you need any further clarification, don't hesitate to get in touch and book a discovery call to enquire about our services.

The main difference between normal chatbots and AI chatbots lies in their response capabilities. Normal chatbots follow a scripted, rule-based approach and can only respond to specific queries they are programmed to recognise. This limits their flexibility and effectiveness in handling varied user requests.

AI chatbots, however, utilise Artificial Intelligence, especially Natural Language Processing (NLP), allowing them to understand and respond to a wide range of natural language inputs. They learn from past interactions and improve over time, enabling them to handle complex queries and provide personalised responses. AI chatbots are more adaptable and can integrate with various systems, making them suitable for diverse business needs and offering a more engaging, conversational experience.
Tailoring AI chatbots for each business involves understanding their unique needs and workflows. We analyze the business's specific requirements, like customer service or lead generation, and customise the chatbot's conversational flows and responses accordingly.

This includes adapting the language style, integrating with existing systems like CRM or ERP, and configuring industry-specific scenarios. The chatbot is then fine-tuned based on user interactions, ensuring it aligns with the business's evolving needs for an effective, bespoke solution.
Our AI chatbot stands out for its advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities, enabling it to understand and respond to a wide array of customer inquiries with remarkable accuracy.

It continually learns from interactions to improve its responses, ensuring a personalised and efficient user experience. Additionally, its ability to seamlessly integrate with various platforms enhances its versatility, making it a valuable asset for businesses seeking to optimise their customer engagement and support.
Investing in an AI chatbot is not just a cost, it's a strategic enhancement to your business. The investment required varies based on your specific needs and the complexity of the bot. Unlike basic chatbots, AI chatbots offer advanced features like natural language processing and learning abilities, which justify the investment.

The investment includes customisation, system integration, and ongoing support, ensuring your AI chatbot continually evolves and improves your customer engagement. For a precise estimate, it's best to discuss your requirements with us, but rest assured, the value an AI chatbot brings to your business far outweighs the initial investment.
No, you don't need to do anything to maintain the AI chatbot. It's designed to run with optimal performance consistently. However, you have the option to provide us with additional information to further refine the bot's capabilities.

We also offer monthly reporting and analytics, giving you insights into the chatbot's performance and interactions. This ensures you're always informed about how the chatbot is benefiting your business, without the need for active maintenance on your part.
Yes, our AI chatbot can handle complex customer inquiries efficiently. It's powered by advanced algorithms and natural language processing capabilities, enabling it to understand and respond to a wide range of queries. The chatbot is designed to comprehend nuanced language and context, making it adept at addressing specific and detailed customer questions.

Additionally, it learns from interactions, continuously improving its ability to handle complex inquiries over time. For questions that require human intervention, the chatbot can seamlessly escalate the issue to the appropriate team member, ensuring every customer concern is adequately addressed.
Yes, our AI chatbot is designed with security as a top priority. We employ robust encryption and adhere to strict data protection protocols to safeguard sensitive information. The chatbot is built to comply with industry-standard security measures, ensuring that all customer interactions and data are handled securely.

Additionally, regular security updates and audits are conducted to maintain the highest level of protection against potential cyber threats. This focus on security means that businesses and their customers can trust the chatbot for safe and confidential interactions.
Absolutely, integrating our AI chatbot into your website is a straightforward process. We've designed it to be user-friendly, ensuring that it can be seamlessly integrated with minimal technical expertise required. Our team will work closely with you to ensure a smooth integration, and we provide clear instructions and support throughout the process.

The chatbot is compatible with various website platforms, making it adaptable to your specific needs. With just a few simple steps, the chatbot will be up and running, enhancing your website's user experience and customer engagement.
We offer comprehensive ongoing support to ensure your AI chatbot continues to perform optimally. This includes regular updates and maintenance to keep the chatbot current with the latest AI advancements and security measures. Our dedicated support team is available to assist with any queries or issues you might encounter.

Additionally, we provide monthly analytics reports, giving you insights into chatbot performance and customer interactions. This support ensures your chatbot remains an effective tool for engaging customers and addressing their needs, while also allowing you to stay focused on growing your business.
Building your AI chatbot typically just 48 hours. This timeframe allows us to thoroughly understand your business needs, tailor the chatbot's capabilities accordingly, and ensure seamless integration with your existing systems.

The process involves a detailed analysis of your requirements, designing the chatbot's conversational flows, and rigorous testing to ensure it meets our high standards of performance and user experience. Our team works diligently to ensure a swift and efficient setup, enabling you to start benefiting from your AI chatbot as soon as possible.
The potential results from integrating an AI chatbot are as varied as the businesses that use them. While we've seen significant improvements in customer engagement and operational efficiency for many clients, the exact impact can vary. Some businesses experience a noticeable uptick in lead generation and customer satisfaction quite rapidly, while for others, the benefits unfold more gradually as the chatbot fine-tunes its interactions. The key lies in how well the chatbot is integrated with your specific business processes and how effectively it's leveraged. It's like planting a seed; with the right conditions and care, it can flourish, enhancing customer experiences and streamlining operations, but the growth trajectory can differ based on several factors. Rest assured, we're committed to optimising the chatbot to align with your unique business needs and goals.
Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is unwavering at Chat Boosted. While we put immense care and detail into creating and integrating your AI chatbot, understanding that each business has unique needs and expectations, we don't offer a standard money-back guarantee.

However, we do offer a performance-based assurance. If the AI chatbot doesn't perform as expected or meet the agreed-upon benchmarks, we are dedicated to making necessary adjustments and optimisations. Our goal is to ensure that the chatbot effectively serves your business needs, improves customer interaction, and enhances your operational efficiency. We'll work closely with you to resolve any issues and ensure the chatbot delivers the desired results. Your satisfaction and success with our AI solution are paramount to us.